Organisation or person,Details,Link to website
Bernardo Kastrup,Metaphysical idealism,"Bernardo Kastrup"
Beshara Magazine,Articles,""
Cosmic Core,"Sacred Geometry, Science and Spirituality, Ancient Wisdom and Modern Understanding",""
"Don DeGracia ",Planetalk,"link"
Eckhart Tolle,,""
Fintry Trust,videos,"The Fintry Trust Wisdom Resources"
Global Grey Books,"Many books available as pdfs, free.","link"
Iain McGilchrist,,"Iain McGilchrist"
Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo & The Mother,,""
Ken Wilber,"Good summary of Wilber' ideas, with diagrams","click"
Ken Wilber,,"Essays by Ken Wilber"
Kim Graae Munch,Many explanations made clear with diagrams,"link"
Organism Earth Collective,"Collection of documents, videos, audio","Organism.Earth"
Ram Dass,,""
Ravi Ravindra,,""
Rupert Sheldrake,"Essays, videos, audio",""
The Weekend University,Lectures,""