Flower of Life pulsating

The flower of life should pulsate if it is to reflect the ever-changing nature of life. Here is the code Here is a good guide to some of the meanings: https://www.uniguide.com/flower-of-life-sacred-geometry

Flower of Life

The flower of life is relatively easy to construct using html canvas and javascript – it only took me 19 hours. Here is the code Here is a good guide to some of the meanings: https://www.uniguide.com/flower-of-life-sacred-geometry

Harmony of opposites

“The Great Tao flows everywhere,to the left and to the right,all things depend on it to exist,and it does not abandon them.to its accomplishments it lays no claims.It loves and nourished all things,but does not lord it over them.” Related pages:

Broken mirror

We only see fragments of the whole picture, and reason alone cannot restore the wholeness.   “The Snow Queen” (Danish: Snedronningen) is an original fairy tale by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Snow_Queen   The devil, in the form of an evil troll, has made a magic mirror that distorts the appearance of everything […]

Circles within circles

Spirographics   The original US-released Spirograph consisted of two differently sized plastic rings (or stators), with gear teeth on both the inside and outside of their circumferences. Once either of these rings were held in place (either by pins, with an adhesive, or by hand) any of several provided gearwheels (or rotors)—each having holes for […]

Bhagavad Gita – A Study Course – John Algeo

“Arjuna said: In the midst, between the two armies, stay my chariot, O Achyuta, that I may behold these standing, longing for battle, with whom I must strive in this outbreaking war, and gaze on those here gathered together ready to fight…” https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Bhagavad-Gita_(Besant_4th)   Audio available on OneDrive


Homeorhesis, derived from the Greek for “similar flow”, is a concept encompassing dynamical systems which return to a trajectory, as opposed to systems which return to a particular state, which is termed homeostasis. BiologyHomeorhesis is steady flow. Often biological systems are inaccurately described as homeostatic, being in a steady state. Steady state implies equilibrium which […]

Simple harmonic emotion

Harmony is not stasis.  It is movement, but with regular return to the centre.  As one moves to an extreme position the force pulling one back to the centre increases. Accept the positive and the negative. Integrate them.   Listen to this podcast interview between Dr Mark Hyman and Dr Joan Rosenberg: https://drhyman.com/blog/2022/05/04/podcast-ep534/


Jung got many of his ideas from ancient wisdom, including his use of the concept of the enantiodromia. It was not his concept: It comes from the work of the pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Heraclitus, whose philosophy was predicated on the constancy of change. Heraclitus recognized that All is flux, nothing stays still. Nothing endures but […]

Taijitu – yin yang symbol

  In Ancient Chinese philosophy, yin and yang (/jɪn/ and /jɑːŋ, jæŋ/; Chinese: 陰陽 yīnyáng pronounced [ín jǎŋ], lit. “dark-light”, “negative-positive”) is a Chinese philosophical concept that describes how obviously opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as […]